I was blessed to be part of the Convocation on Faith, Science, & Ministry hosted by Bishop Sharma Lewis of the Virginia Conference of the United Methodist Church. Here are a few resources I recommended to get started on the faith-and-science dialogue in your ministry setting:

For making sense of the Genesis-evolution relationship and understanding Genesis in its ancient near Eastern context:

Making Sense of Genesis: House Story, Home Story

Genesis 1: House Story, Home Story

Interpreting the Creation Story by John Walton (published by Seedbed)

Side-by-side approach to science and biblical faith


WesleyNexus: Science and religion in the Wesleyan tradition

BioLogos: Presents an evolutionary understanding of God’ creation

The Book of Works: Science and faith, together


McHargue, Mike. Finding God in the Waves: How I Lost My Faith and Found It Again Through Science. Convergent Books, 2017.

Collins, Francis. The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief. Free Press, 2006.